Personal Affirmations are one of the most powerful ways we can take care of ourselves. An affirmation is a tool I've used with many counseling and training clients. To develop your own affirmation think about what it is you are trying to achieve then create a short statement that sums up those goals.
For instance, I am struggling with a knee injury. I injured my knee for the first time when I was 17 years old. It was a horrible accident and I had to have surgery and a LOT of physical therapy to gain full range of motion in that knee. My father was only able to come to one physical therapy session. He couldn't watch me go through so much pain. I've dealt with the injury for the past 18 years of my life and haven't let it hold me back. I've climbed to 16,000 feet in the Andes, I've hiked the Grand Canyon, and I've made being fit a part of my life.
Unfortunately on January 2nd I hyper-extended my knee. It's been a few weeks and I have not healed. I've rested my knee. I haven't done any lower body workouts, I haven't run and I haven't been to spin class. I'm starting to feel frustrated and angry.
I'm going to create an affirmation to help me refocus that frustration and anger. I want to be healed up, strong, able to squat my big wheels (180 pounds of plates)! I want to run with my friends and my dog. I want to go to spin class and sweat it out while imagining I'm cycling through the sunshine! My affirmation is:
"I will heal. I give myself permission to rest until my body is ready to train!"
What are your goals? What is your affirmation? Are you working on your resolutions? Have you gotten off track? It's ok; I promise. Take a moment re-evaluate and create an affirmation to use every morning when you wake up, every time you get off track, and every night before you go to bed. Keeping your affirmation goal specific will help to motivate you to get back on track, keep working hard and change your life.
I believe in you!
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