Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Back and Biceps

Week one of the New Year is over, and I feel strong in my 12 week plan!  According to my Nike + Run app I've gone 20 miles so far!  (I think I've gone more, but I can't get the GPS to link under cloudy German skies so I just track heart rate!)

Today was back and biceps I did the same workout as last week but was able to go up in weight already!  Super proud!  Here's what I did!

Lat pull down 27.5 pounds 12 reps 1st set
Lat pull down 35 pounds 12 reps 2nd set
Lat pull down 42.5 pounds 12 reps 3rd set

One-Arm dumbbell rows:
35 pounds 12 reps 2 sets
35 pounds 8 reps last set (couldn't finish, but I'll get it next week)

Compound Row
110 pound plates 12 reps 3 sets.
(I had failure on the 10th rep of the last set and had to take a break to finish the last 2 reps)

Underhand Lat pull down:
85 pound plates 12 reps 3 sets
(I had failure on the 8th rep of the last set and had to take a break to finish the set, gotta GROW!)

Alternating Dumbbell Curl
15 pound weights 12 reps 3 sets
(I had failure on the 8th rep of the last set and had to take a break to finish the set, BUT; I moved up from the 10 pound weights I used last week.)

Standing Bicep Cable Curl:
22.5 pound plates 8 reps 3 sets

Seated Preacher Curls:
10 pounds 12 reps 3 sets
(This was much easier than last week and next week I'll go up to 15's for the first and second set, I wish the gym had 12's!!!)

I rested for at least 60 seconds in between each set and felt strong at the end!

Tomorrow shoulders and abs!

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